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The Dome

The first incarnation of my organic farm was beautiful and very productive, but hardly self-sustaining. It has been obliterated, giving me an opportunity to start over from scratch.
My cousin Walter gets full credit for this highly efficient low-cost dome style home. The goal is to create a self-sustaining lifestyle, with the option of selling excess goods at the farmers market.
This well-engineered dome is made of concrete and iron rebar and is insulated 360° on all axes. It is easy and low-cost to maintain, and the cost of heating and cooling is a minimum. In addition to that, it is super fun to live in!
Dome Technical Specifications/Documents

The Bridge

This bridge was built between the old trailer and the new dome.
The Trailer

I was in the process of moving into the dome and snugly asleep in the dome on the morning of April 5th, 2018, when the propane stove in the trailer exploded. I had no insurance, and over 90% of my stuff was still in the trailer, so the personal loss was terrible. Further, my 17-year-old cat Legolas did not survive.
I am glad that I was in the dome when it went off, or I would almost certainly have perished as well. This was only the first time that my life was saved by the dome.
Thank You, Walter!
These are the last pics taken of Legolas "Duffy" at the age of 17.
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