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Garden 2019
Garden Gallery Fall 2019
2019 Garden Gallery 1
Garden Gallery July 2019
I once had seven gardens and seven greenhouses, but all of that is now gone. I am now down to one small garden. The big project for this year (2019) was the septic system, which is now complete!
However, not to let a growing season go to waste, I know that even a small garden can produce a large amount of food if properly fed and cared for. We started with organic potting soil, and an organic manure and peat blend.
A couple of the tomatoes have already started to produce, and there is at least one baby pepper growing on each pepper plant. :) The squash are starting to produce flowers, and I am now working on weed surpression.
Farm Fall 2019
Garden Video 07/09/2019
Garden Video 06/29/2019
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